A UK survey conducted in 2015 found that the majority of women’s clothing items are only worn 7 times on average, then tossed into the back of the closet.

This wastefulness must stop or slow down at the very least! It is our hope at BIOBIFL that consumers become more aware of the overall cost to their own finances and to the toxic effect on our Planet. I hope you enjoy perusing some of the products here at BuyitonceBuyitforlife.com for these very reasons. Enjoy a beautiful day.

BIFL: The 3 best headphones

Best seller
BIFL: The 3 best headphones

Music is always on my mind. Listening, dancing or whistling a tune while walking. I love music, however, I enjoy GOOD quality sound too! Call me an audiophile if you want. These 3 different purpose ...


BIO, BIFL: rain boots

BIO, BIFL: rain boots

For the most part, people choose "rain boots" with function over fashion in mind. Why not have both? Especially rain boots for women. Women like fashion right? Many people keep a pair of rain boots ...